Contact 98844 25656
Little India – A restaurant that defines in bringing the traditional south Indian food alive again.
Every Indian has a little India within himself and our little India is our village, we bring that little India food to our customers. Most of us don’t even know that the real taste and aroma of our traditional food is the tastiest and healthiest food. We always look for taste that is artificially created by hazardous ingredients.
Little India thrives in bringing back the age old days spices & preparation methods into its food preparations and offer the healthiest and tastiest food to its customers.
Cooks and chefs: Our cooking staffs are all hired from the villages of India who knows the values of good quality food, they are well trained to make sure complete high-level hygiene is maintained inside the kitchen and preparation of food.
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Scelerisque leo a, volutpat sem. Vivamus rutrum dui fermentum eros hendrerit, id lobortis.
In vitae nisi aliquam, scelerisque leo a, volutpat sem. Vivamus rutrum dui fermentum.
Aliquam, scelerisque leo a, volutpat sem. Vivamus rutrum dui fermentum eros hendreri.
Mon - Sun
11 A.M - 11 P.M
All rights reserved.